Greetings from Frigging Freezing Hervey Bay! Yep, it's cold. We're rugged up and sitting in a caravan park in Hervey bay having driven here today from Eurimbula N.P. When last we blogged, we were at Carmila where we seemed to have encountered a rodent problem. It wasn't apparent to us until we arrived at our next stop. After a night at a rest stop at Calliope, we woke to find the cork butts of our $700 fly rods had be nibbled on. This rat has expensive tastes! We hoped he had cleared off during the night but on arrival at our next stop at Eurimbula N.P we decided to take everything out of Lulu just to make sure. No rodent could be found. Acting upon an instinct, Bronson dropped the spare tyre from under Lulu and there perched upon the jumper cables with a nest of leaves was our little stowaway! The little bugger had been with us for several hundred kms over rough roads and through creek crossings and all. He wasn't at all threatened by a tyre iron waving Bronson. Instead he just ambled along the drive shaft and disappeared into the engine bay. As opposed to scampering off into the scrub from whence he came which was what I was hoping would happen. So another plan was then hatched. We whipped up a nice little cardboard box complete with his nesting material and a bit of muesli for bait, placed it in the spare tyre and waited. After a couple of nights we dropped the tyre back down and retrieved the box to find our little friend happily residing inside. We then relocated the box into the scrub and we haven't seen the little fella since! Eurimbula turned out to be one of our favourite camp sites. We spent 4 nights here and caught 30+ fish including flathead, bream, longtom, flounder, dart and what we thought were tailor but aren't. Here's a shot of our previous camp up at Smalley's Beach (Ruth was busy tying up some new flies for me to lose!):

And here is a pic of one of the sunsets that we've had to put up with at Eurimbula:
Yeah, life's pretty tough! Next up a pic of the 4WD only sign that we ignored to get there!
And finally, here is the little bugger that had a chomp on our fly rods amongst other things.
He was too cute to dispose of using brute force. Seeing as he is a native species we were happy to relocate him.
The weather has been pretty spectacular until today. It's currently about 12 degrees. God knows how we're going to cope when we come back to Tas in a few weeks. I'd love to write a bit more but my fingers are freezing so I'll leave you with the news that we're fit and well and Lulu is running along nicely. It's going to be a little sad stripping her down when we get back to the Gold Coast. Anyways peoples, be good and we'll be seeing some of you soon. Love from us. X