We know, we have been incredibly slack. Nothing since we were on the road moving to WA, some three months ago. And I (ruth) don't really have any excuses not to blog as I am a woman of leisure! Brons has been working since we got here and things are going well for him, nothing too taxing but nothing really mind stimulating either. He comes home with ink from tip to toe - think he must be printing himself more than the newspapers. We are living about 10km south of Mandurah in a place called Falcon. After a few drive arounds once we got here we realised we wouldn't be living in the rolling green hills that we are accustomed to in Tassie, so compromised and are now only a 5 minute walk from the beach. Its a nice neighborhood, a little older than most here - we didn't want to live in a ticky tack box on the canal that we would only know was ours if we checked the number outside before trying the door. Everything looks the same over here! We have a veggie patch in pots (there appears to be a shortage of soil over here - sand, sand and then some more sand!) which is yielding well for tomatoes, lettuce, snow peas, herbs and hopefully some capsicums soon too.
The fishing has been a little disappointing. Only turning up a few small whiting and some chopper tailor so far. There is a beautiful big estuary only minutes away but no flat head in it??!! Not sure why, but apparently there are some closer to Perth so we will have to take a look further afield.
Other news.....we are now Uncle Brons and Aunty Ruth! Wow it's all very exciting, Erin and Lachlan welcomed little Uki to the world on the 9th December. Albeit a little early, we are very excited to have a new member to our family, probably more excited than Flossy the farm dog that is now living with Erin. His arrival has made us get even more nervous and excited about the pending arrival of our little one. Still a little way to go but we are hoping to get ourselves organised better over the next few weeks (so far we have a cot in pieces after a paint job). My dear friend Belinda has just moved back to Australia after 3 years in the UK and will be coming over to WA for a week or so to whip us into shape to get ready for parenthood and have a much needed catch up after so many years apart. Bron's mum Lyn is also coming over in a couple of weeks to spend some time with her new grandson so no doubt we will get spend some family time together too.
So all is well on the western front - not sure that it is quite the spot for us. We plan to see out 12 months here but think that once our lease is up we might need to hit the road again and find somewhere with a bit better fishing - maybe north (WA) or north east (QLD). By then we will be three and hopefully Brons will have suitably modified the troopy to carry us all safely.
We miss you all terribly and are longing for the cool breezes of home. Apparently it is 39.7 degrees in the shade on our back deck as I type. Oh wow I'm so looking forward to the next 12 weeks of pregnancy! We hope that the start of a new year brings good fortune and happiness into your lives - Happy New Year!
A picture of us doing Christmas with Erin, Lachlan, Uki and Flossy.