Well we finally made it through Victoria and into NSW. After Shipwreck Creek we spent a couple of nights in the Ben Boyd national park at Bittangabee Bay. It was when we arrived here after traveling along 35km of gravel road that we discovered the back door on Lulu wasn't shut properly. You should have seen the dust inside the van! And we're still finding it! We didn't get to do a whole lot of fishing here, just a quick couple of casts from the rocks where I managed a small kelp fish. Probably akin to catching a parrot fish back home. Still, it's another one for the species count. On our second day there we went for a bit of a stroll out to Green Cape to the light house which was about 7km each way. It was a very nice spot, perched up on the cliffs with the swells smashing against the rocks. We saw a couple of enormous whales just out to sea and a few seals frolicking in close. We decided then and there that we'd very much like to become lighthouse keepers for our next jobs (Later that night we reviewed this decision when the fog rolled in and the fog horn started up!). On the walk back we came across an echidna nosing around who was a little nervous having us there. I think he could smell us which was no surprise given that we hadn't had a shower for a couple of days. We shared our campsite with an assortment of roos and swamp wallabies and even a couple of lyre birds. We left Bittangabee on the Monday after having pancakes for breakfast (a substitute for a birthday cake!) and made our way to Eden. Given the lack of sun over the past few days the solar panel was struggling to keep up with the fridge so we have settled in a caravan park for a couple of nights to hopefully recharge a bit. This also allowed us to do some washing, including ourselves! Still the sun isn't playing ball so we're not out of the woods yet. At least we were able to let someone else worry about the washing up last night when Ruth took me out to tea. As for where next? We're not quite sure, so many places to see. Might even head up into Kosciusko for a look which could mean trout fishing. It could also mean cold! We'll see.
Anyways, enough ramblings from me, we hope you're all well and being good. Love from us!
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