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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bronson finally caught a barra!

Yep it's true! But first, where were we...? After browsing the markets at Port Douglas where we acquired some very tasty coffee choc bits, we headed not far from town and camped at a no camping site (with a few other campers) near Yule Point. The wind was atrocious so no fishing was had. The next day we packed up and headed into Cairns to re-stock the fridge and buy a new camera. From there we made for a little place called Babinda with a rest stop beside the river. The weather was pretty ordinary with plenty of rain. We managed to have a bit of a fish in the river and each caught a few small fish called Mouth Almighty. They look alot like little barra and true to their name they have one helluva mouth on them. After a pretty wet sort of an night we made our way back to Blue Metal Creek where Poppet got her barra with the aim of getting a few more. That was yesterday and after a late afternoon session we returned to camp empty handed. This morning we woke to more rain which wasn't heavy enough to dissuade us from going for a fish. Not long into the session and Bronson was on. It didn't prove to be a big fish but importantly it was a barra and that was the main thing! The rest of session didn't see us catch any more but we'll be heading back out this afternoon for another go! Will probably spend another couple of nights here before making our way to Townsville to catch up with cousin Regan for a few days. Hopefully we'll have a few more fish to report!

How happy is this guy?!

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